
china's first social solution with full platform coverage. connects numerous social data sources, providing business intelligence and analytics services for renowned brands worldwide and helping enterprises gauge their brand's buzz and health in real time.

socialmaster covers all social media platforms and one hundred thousand mainstream media and has highest-level sina weibo data api permissions. acquiring, processing, and storing real-time data takes mere minutes. hundreds of millions of pieces of social data are updated and added every day, adding up to over 10 billion pieces in total.

socialmaster supports analyzing buzz data in-depth by content, account, campaign, and more; multi-dimension drill down attribution analysis; and free exploratory analysis. condense huge amounts of social data into authentic insight in seconds.

  • one hundred thousand

    covers mainstream publishers

  • api

    highest-level weibo data access

  • one hundred million

    public opinion data are
    collected each day

socialmaster's powerful ai computational engine integrates emotion analysis

fraudulent engagement detection, industry categorization, aspect categorization, content clustering,
and other knowledge graph-based ai models.

socialmaster’s core features
  • gauge brand buzz
    and manage word
    of mouth in real
  • get quick alerts for
    negative buzz and
    understand its
  • monitor official
    accounts and
    optimize online
  • get audience analysis
    and 360° views of
    target users on
  • maximize brand
    operations efficiency
    with one-click real-
    time data
social x

social x is a lightweight social data management tool based on socialmaster that provides quick, efficient, and powerful buzz measurement. with real-time keyword search and on-demand semantic analysis, brands get a comprehensive view of their social performance and trending events. social x is the start of a brand new era, removing the technical barriers to on-demand social data analysis.

social x’s core features
  • real-time keyword
    search reveals buzz
  • on-demand analysis
    and one-click social
    account monitoring
    put brand social
    performance and
    competition at your
  • monitor trends or
    crises in real time
    and instantly respond