csi celebrity selection index
it is a celebrity selection and evaluation model based on real and effective data of fans, social platforms, searches and research, as well as digital media monitoring data.

csi helps brands find the best celebrity spokesperson for their needs, avoid spokesperson risk, and maximize roi. it evaluates celebrities across 7 dimensions (onscreen activeness, search popularity, social popularity, online reputation, fan acquisition ability, sales power, and brand value increase power) in 3 categories (attraction index, social influence, and brand asset).

based on csi system, miaozhen systems has launched the “sports celebrity selection index”, namely the scsi system.

on the basis of the csi model and through strict data demonstration, the tertiary index “sports professionalism” is specially added under the “attraction index” in the scsi to accurately measure the commercial value of sports stars. as a unique data index of scsi, “sports professionalism” is a weighted index of sports popularity, sports celebrities’ points index, honors and achievement. it is for evaluating sports celebrities’ professional performance. covering more than 800 sports celebrities at home and abroad, scsi can help brands to screen sports celebrities by various tags such as ta type, basic status of celebrities, historical cooperation effect, etc., so brands can reasonably avoid cooperation risks.

  • social influence

    · popularity on social
    · platforms

    · iwom

    · power of gaining
    · new followers

  • attraction index

    frequency of ·
    presence on screens ·

    search volume ·

  • contribution to
    the brand

    · merchandising index

    · brand asset
    · promotion power

  • risk coefficient

    · based on industry experience and public opinion monitoring data, csi classified the risks related to celebrities into 7 categories, namely, political risk, illegal risk, drug-related risk, infidelity risk, racism risk, scandal risk and sexual orientation risk, and can obtain the risk index of a specific star according to the algorithm. for easy understanding, star risk index is in three levels: low, medium and high.

brands can select suitable endorsers according to specific tags such as fan composition,
basic info of celebrities, future popularity, risk index, etc.
at present, the star library of miaozhen systems covers nearly 3,000 domestic
and foreign celebrities in many fields, and the star list is continuously updated on a weekly basis

core functions the csi system
  • the star type can be accura-
    tely identified according to
    the fan attribute. brand ad-
    vertisers can select the ap-
    propriate endorsers in ac-
    cordance with their own
    marketing objectives,
    scenarios and budget
  • relying on rich sources of
    big and small data such as
    social platforms, searches,
    research and digital media
    monitoring, celebrities' at-
    traction power, social influ-
    ence and contribution to
    the brand are comprehen-
    sively evaluated
  • through coefficient indivi-
    dualized analysis of cele-
    brities' merchandising
    power and brand assets
    promotion power, cele-
    brities' commercial value
    generated in endorse-
    ment is accurately
  • the exclusive ai algorithm
    model is used to remove
    false fan data and false
    interaction data to reveal
    the real level of celebrities'
  • celebrities' future popula-
    rity, risk coefficient and
    risk coefficient of their
    ifans can be estimated
    scientifically to help
    brands identify promising
    celebrities and avoid risks
    in time
  • nearly 3,000 domestic and
    foreign celebrities are
    covered in the continuously
    updated star database.
    panoramic combination
    screening helps brands find
    suitable endorsers
  • the user-friendly
    dashboard visuali-
    zation system shows
    similar celebrities
    automatically for
    easy comparison
  • the star type can be
    accurately identified
    according to the fan
    attribute. brand ad-
    vertisers can select the
    appropriate endorsers
    in accordance with their
    own marketing objecti-
    ves, scenarios and
  • relying on rich sources
    of big and small data
    such as social platforms,
    searches, research and
    digital media monitoring,
    celebrities' attraction
    power, social influence
    and contribution to the
    brand are comprehen-
    sively evaluated
  • through coefficient in-
    dividualized analysis of
    celebrities' merchandi-
    sing power and brand
    assets promotion power,
    celebrities' commercial
    value generated in en-
    dorsement is accurately
  • the exclusive ai al-
    gorithm model is
    used to remove false
    fan data and false
    interaction data to
    reveal the real level
    of celebrities' popu-
  • celebrities' future popu-
    larity, risk coefficient and
    risk coefficient of their
    ifans can be estimated
    scientifically to help
    brands identify promi-
    sing celebrities and
    avoid risks in time
  • nearly 3,000 domestic
    and foreign celebrities
    are covered in the con-
    tinuously updated star
    database. panoramic
    combination screening
    helps brands find
    suitable endorsers
  • the user-friendly
    dashboard visuali-
    zation system shows
    similar celebrities
    automatically for
    easy comparison